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The Causes of the Opiate Crisis

IT WAS ALWAYS THERE Amonst the scattered brick and stone of man’s first civilzations, archeologists find evidence of poppy plant cultivation. As early as 3400 BC, in Mesopotamia, evidence of poppy plant cultivation and use including a symbol they used to represent the poppy plant that meant “joy”. The Ancient Greeks cultivated the poppy for …

Risk factors for opioid overdose

There are a number of risk factors for opioid overdose. These include: having an opioid use disorder; taking opioids by injection; resumption of opioid use after an extended period of abstinence (e.g. following detoxification, release from incarceration, cessation of treatment); using prescription opioids without medical supervision; high prescribed dosage of opioids (more than 100 mg …

How to Tell if My Loved one is Using

If you think that a loved one is using heroin and you are trying to determine this for sure, you will need to pay special attention to their physical characteristics, lifestyle habits, and their home. These habits and characteristics may begin to change as the addiction progresses. It is important to keep in mind that …