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Managing Anxiety and Sobriety

February 16, 2021

In many cases, alcohol use and anxiety tend to go together. Since alcohol affects the serotonin levels and other transmitters in your brain, it can cause your anxiety to worsen. Once the alcohol begins to wear off, you may feel even more anxious than usual. There are many people who have social anxiety and use …

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addiction help group

How Does Addiction Start

January 26, 2021

Those who have never experienced addiction may wonder what causes someone to become addicted to a substance or why anyone would use a substance that would lead them down a path of addiction. Addiction is a complex issue with no simple answers to how or why a person becomes addicted. The best way to understand …

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changes or habits

Should I Seek Addiction Treatment?

December 21, 2020

If you are struggling with addiction, you may be hesitant to seek addiction treatment. The idea of seeking treatment can bring feelings of anxiety, and you may feel that you can overpower your addiction on your own. If you feel some hesitation in seeking treatment, consider these reasons why you should seek addiction treatment.

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Virtual Holiday Celebration

Tips for Staying Sober During the Holidays

November 30, 2020

With the holiday season approaching, those who have been in recovery from substance use disorder may be looking for advice on staying sober during the holiday celebrations. At South Hills Recovery Project, we have put together some strategic tips to help those in recovery support their sobriety over the next few months of holiday parties …

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