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Psychologist with Patient

Benefits of Choosing Concierge Medicine

June 29, 2020

Concierge medicine is a type of medical practice where doctors offer premium services that provide patients with personalized and accessible care. Services include but are not limited to:

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The American Eagle

May 27, 2020

Two months before the French King Louis and his wife, Mary-Antoinette, were imprisoned signaling the start of the French Revolution, a group of businessmen, farmers, writers, and physicians met across the Atlantic Ocean in Philadelphia. The date was June 20th, 1782. They came from 13 American colonies to meet in the church turned temporary Congressional …

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Fight Overcome Street Sign

Staying Home and Staying Sober

May 27, 2020

Whether you have been in recovery for a decade or more or you are newly sober, you know that choosing sobriety is a daily decision that requires a strong support system, preparation, and personal awareness.

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Addiction Recovery Illustration

Don’t let the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Stop Your Recovery

April 17, 2020

COVID-19 has reached the U.S. and has spread to almost 70 nations, after first being detected in China in 2019. The coronavirus causes symptoms, which appear within 2-14 days of exposure, such as cough, fever, and shortness of breath, ranging in symptoms of the common cold to a severe respiratory infection. The coronavirus can also …

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